20 September 2012

Jumping in to 2000AD

Here is your chance impress me!
It has been just over a year since I've started reading weekly comics. Though this wasn't my first foray into the medium. I've been collecting graphic novels for quite a few years, the majority of them coming from publishers like DC Comics

I guess you could say my choices have been rather safe or reserved in the grand scheme of things. I've been trying to branch out since DC's New 52 hit last year. Picking up titles that I wouldn't normally try like Wonder Woman, purely to try something new to see if I like it. Turns out I love the character.

I'm also picking up other non superhero comics like Swamp Thing and American Vampire, both of which are written by Scott Synder. Who is pound for pound the one of the best writers in comics currently.

It has been a great philosophy that is working wonders. I recommend anyone reading this to give things a shot that they wouldn't normally try. It general people tend to want to play things safe.

So what does this have to do with 2000AD? well a lot actually. I've always been fascinated my Mega City 1, the Judges and the ABC Warriors. However I've never taken the plunge into the world, there has always been something holding me back.

I'm working at a place with a steady income every month it really is the time to give 2000AD a chance. because the way I see it, if I don't end up trying it now I never will.

With that being said, where am I starting? I'm going in two different directions. Firstly I've picked up the first three volumes the the Judge Dredd Complete Case Files. The second is 2000AD 1800, which is supposedly a great jumping on point for new readers. I wanted a bit of a counter balance between the old and the new, with any form of media with an established character if I'm going to invest time and money into it I like to start from the beginning.

Once the issues arrive in the post I'll post up my first impressions on the issues and the collected volumes. Look out for that and see if I'll be sticking it out with 2000AD for the long haul.

02 September 2012

The Year Continues

After a busy couple of month, I’ve got that itch to start writing up content up on to this site once again. Now for anyone that has read anything on this site before then you will think ‘’well all this sounds familiar’’ and you would be right. I post up a return post and then I disappear for another couple of months and yes the same might happen however something is a little different now.

It’s my place of work. I’m not going to say I hate my job because honestly I don’t, I’m thankful to be working in the current economic climate. It just that it feels weird to be working at a company that I don’t morally agree with. I’ll explain I work for a bank. In just that one word, I think most people will understand. It kind of goes against many things I believe in. Hell, ask people today and you would be hard pressed to find someone with something positive to say about the banks.

Add to that it goes against my creative nature but it is actually doing me a favour. While I’m pressed to do very formal work without any imagination. It’s driving me to do creative stuff even more.

So now that I have a steady income coming in each month. It gives me the opportunity to stretch my creative legs a bit. There is a lot I’ve been wanting to do which is this grand master plan but just small stuff that were only held back by financially.

I can finally pick up some recording equipment, a new camera. Tools in a sense to get things moving. Because working in an office for a bank isn’t exactly what I had in mind for my future so I’m making sure my dreams are kept in focuses. I think peoples biggest regrets in life and becoming complacent with what they have and making do. When in reality you can achieve that much more it just takes that little extra push.