30 May 2011

Be the best at what you choose to be

This is something very personnel to me that I have told only a few people since it occurred a few years ago.
Four years ago my Dad passed away due to lung cancer and for anyone who has experienced this will know of the helpless feeling that engulfs you each day. It is hard to explain how it really feels.
His cancer was terminal, the fact that no matter what I did or said nothing could change what would happen.
Seeing someone you grew up with,  looked up to grow frail in such a short amount of time so they barely look like the person you knew for all those years. It surreal, like a bad dream it is hard to comprehend it’s real.
It was during this time while at my fathers hospital bed that he said something that has stuck with me since, he wasn’t thinking about his life but his families. He said ‘be the best at what you choose to be’

He was influential in my life he gave me opportunities he never had and pushed me to better myself, when you’re a kid you don’t realise some of these things. As you grow older it makes a lot of sense. He pushed my creative side each day, from a young age I saw things a little differently. I saw what could be done instead of what couldn’t.

In this world we live in there are many mixed messages on what you can and can’t achieve and I am writing this to possibly help anyone that reads this and feels this way. I live with the notion of being the best at what I choose to be, because my father believed in me. All it takes is a little belief be it in yourself from a friend  or anyone, if you believe in yourself you’re half way there.

People might see it as arrogance wanting to be the best at what you do but I don’t see it that way, I see it you are pushing to better yourself in one way or another and really what is bad about that? If you have the skill and desire for your chosen path you can achieve it no matter what obstacles are in your way.

Life is tough in one way or another, it is about over coming adversity and it can be hard no one ever said it would be easy. Just keep going and don’t give up on yourself.


  1. Nice post man. And a great message.

  2. Nice post Matt, I enjoyed reading it. Sounds like your dad was a real smart man.
