12 April 2010


Anyone that designs creates art whatever influences play a huge role in what they do and it alot of cases like me it what starts them off down the route they want to go.
My biggest influence in gaming would have to be Hideo Kojima and his Metal Gear Solid series without that i really dont think i would be where i am now. I find his work to be very unique and he blends a cinematic style with great gameplay which together help tie in a strong narrative. The first Metal Gear Solid game will always be one of my biggest influences.

The series changed the way i thought about games and it has really set a seed in me which has been growing over the last few years in the way of story telling in video games. Those games showed me a game can be so much more and it can effect people the way films do and this is one of the key areas im going down with what i want to do and that is to create a real powerful game that delivers a quality narrative with gameplay that suits the story but more so creating some that is more of an experience that the player goes through, rather than beating a high score or a highier difficulty.

I feel gaming has alot to offer yet and at the moment its is just scratching the surface to what is possible.

1 comment:

  1. Love the MGS games! lol you know that.. and Yoji Shinkawa's art has been a huge influence to me, as well as the design and feel of the games. So I can really relate to this blog! Kojima is a freakin Genius!
