29 July 2011

Flashpoint July 20th Reviews

Wonder Woman and the Furies #2

In the previous issue the ground work for war between Wonder Woman and Aquaman was brought to the forefront, this issue follows in those same footsteps with the issue taking place in mutliple different time periods up to the sinking of Europe. From the title you would expect the majority of the focus to be on the character Wonder Woman, but it resolves more around the relationship and conflict between Wonder Woman and Aquaman with both characters having their fair share of the spotlight. Honestly I feel this series would have been better if it was a six issue series which combined both Aquaman and the Wonder Woman comics as currently they are pretty much essential to be read together to get the full back story.
Flashpoint is nearing the half way mark and up until this issue I wasn’t sold on the character or motivation of Wonder Woman, in this issue we see the personal side to the character and as you read it her words feel genuine which makes the conflict between the two characters so much better, as you can really feel for both characters. Similar things can be said about Aquaman as well, we see the character second guessing himself as he is trying to save the world from a possible war and this is a side we havn’t truly seen yet, and seeing what pushes him over the edge firmly establishes the core backbone of Flashpoint and the war.

I highly recommend this series but, yes there is a but, if you do pick this up pick up Emperor Aquaman because both comics and characters are heavily tied to one another I would say it is essential to pick up both to get the most out of it.

Legion of Doom #2

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