27 April 2013

Welcome back

If you live in the UK you will be thankful that spring has finally arrived enveloping the country in its warm glow and putting an end to the long the long dark winter we have been suffering through.

A prime example being working early morning shifts, most people know of the depressing feeling of waking up in the morning in darkness, then returning home again in darkness. However slight, a little bit of sun can really kick start your motivation.

Spring can be seen as a new beginning to accomplish or try new things, and while it is never good to set aside certain dates or times to accomplish goals, yeah I’m looking at you new years, spring does have that 
refreshing prospect that no other season captures.


I hoping that readers will enjoy the redesigned simple look that I’ve gone for, with the added image on the right which will be updated on a regular basis. Allowing the site to constantly stay fresh without changing the main template.

Twitter feed

I wanted the site to be more involved and personal so I’ve added the additional twitter feed to the right of the page which I’m hoping naturally blends into the template with it being intrusive. Plus it’s a great avenue to connect with readers directly.

Well, that is all I’ve got for the moment if you have any comments about the redesign let me know bellow.