This weeks comics start the new year off with a bang, both Marvel and DC are pushing out fantastic titles each week and here are some that stood out to me:
If you have been reading Grant Morrison's run on Batman Inc or Action Comics, then you will know full well each month is hit or miss. I can safely say this weeks is a great issue, which is filled with exactly what you have come to expect and most importantly, what you want from this series. Also lets not forget the almighty Bat Cow returns. Matched with Chris Burnham art he continues to bring Gotham to life like no other. As the series marches I honestly can't wait to see what this team has in-store for the caped crusader.
If you haven't been reading this go back and pick up the series you won't be disappointed.
All New X-Men #5
As someone who has just stepped into the comic world of the X-Men you would think a story arc matching up the new and old X-Men would be a nightmare for new readers. However each week they have managed to pull it off.
The series feel like the kind of X-Men story you want to read each month. Issue #5 deals with Jean Gray, confronting what her life is set to become, which is handled in a beautiful manner. It opens up the question of what would you do if you knew what lay ahead in life, and raises questions of where the series may go next now, that the first arc is over. Keep an eye on this one.
Check back next week for more of my weekly comic top picks.