I've been away a little while since I finished work over two weeks ago, I needed some time away to feel refreshed again, I was honestly burnt out from work.
Now with the blog I'll be continuing to update this regularly with content for the ongoing Flashpoint series, reviews for that will be returning this coming week as well as a review for Batman House of Hush. Keeping with comics I'll also be giving my thoughts on the new 52 from DC comics along with what titles I will be picking up this September.
During August I will be posting up content for to help new readers who want to get into comics but are unsure what to pick up seeing as some characters such as Batman have a multitude of different books. For this I will be putting together something related to the movies from the Tim Burton's films to Christopher Nolan's trilogy, these will be broken down into each film with comic recommendation that are similar to those films, or were used as a background for the films production.
As for gaming I will be putting some stuff up I'm not sure what those things will be yet but I have a few ideas that I think people will find interesting. Overall expect to see a lot of content coming for the rest of July and throughout the month of August and I hope you enjoy what I put out.