05 February 2011

Back, what has been happening?

It has been awhile since I last posted here I have sort of been neglecting this place to some degree, which I think is purely down to the fact that a lot has been going on towards the end of December and throughout January.

That might sound negative but its actually been a lot of good stuff that has been keeping me busy recently, the first which I am so happy about which is finally finding work and its actually a pretty good position I am working for the University that I got my degree. I’m working in the film archive as a Digital Archive Assistant, it’s a six month contract but even so I’m really happy to be working and in area that I am interested in. Working with film, learning and increasing my knowledge of film in generally will be a great jumping point for me in the future, it’s a really good chance to gain and experience for the future.
So that is one thing that has been keeping me very busy over January and late December I found out I was accepted for the position mid December so I wanted to enjoy the rest of the holiday before I started work.

So what else has been happening? Well with work being the priority a few things have taken a bit of a backseat due purely for the fact I just haven’t had the same amount of time as I did before.
I’ve been reading a fair amount of stuff recently some being a lot of Batman trades and graphic novels, I’ve just started on Grant Morrison’s Batman & Robin which is really enjoyable. Two others which I think are worth mention as well are Batman Long Shadows written by Tony S Daniel’s  which has become one of favourite Batman books and finally Batman Arkham Reborn which when read in continuity is a really fun read and it is a little different from what you might expect.
Last weekend I was down in London for about a day and a half, I went down to see a TNA Wrestling Live event at Wembley Arena which was my first live wrestling event I’ve been to and to put it simply it was an amazing show there was a great atmosphere from start to finish I’ll have to be going this more often and I totally regret that I hadn’t gone to any sooner.

So that’s what has been happening to me recently, I’ll be updating the blog a great deal from now on there is a ton of things I want to talk about on here.

1 comment:

  1. Nice man, glad you've got some good things going on. Keep me updated on your blog posts, I'll try to read them all.
